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Latest Recommendation

Biochar Production

Agronomy Division

Double chamber mini pyrolyzer is recommended for biochar production from king coconut husks

Drying method for the production of pairing oil

Coconut Processing Research Division

Oven drying (use of dehydrators) as drying method is recommended for pairing oil production process.

Control of Brontispa beetle

Crop Protection Divisiom

Trunk injection of 10 ml of Monocrotophos 60 SL was recommended for controlling Brontispa beetle damage.

Spraying 4 ml of Carbosulfan 20 EC in 01 liter of water solution twice in two-week intervals was recommended for seedlings with Brontispa beetle damage.

Introduction of a new cultivar

Genetics & Plant Breeding Division

Genetics and Plant Breeding Division started a new crossing programme in 2006 with imported pollen of three promising exotic varieties namely Malayan Red Dwarf (MRD), Rennel Island Tall (RIT) and Tagnanan Tall (TAGT) with the objective of developing early flowering and high yielding new coconut hybrids for the National Replanting Programme in Sri Lanka. These exotic varieties were crossed in various combinations with Sri Lankan Tall and Sri Lankan Green Dwarf. Newly developed hybrids were field planted in 2008. Multi locational evaluation of early vegetative growth, flowering and nut yield for the past 12 years revealed the high potential of the new coconut hybrid Sri Lankan Tall x Malayan Red Dwarf (T x MRD). Therefore, new coconut hybrid Sri Lankan Tall x Malayan Red Dwarf (T x MRD) is planned to be released as CRISL2020 to the National Coconut Replanting Programme in September 2020. This new cultivar will be suitable for commercial cultivation as well as for home gardens. Hand pollination programme has already been started at Ambakelle Seed Garden and the seedlings will be available for growers from September 2020. Further studies are in progress to evaluate the drought tolerance and coconut mite tolerance of CRISL2020.

Revised Recommendations on CRISL 98

Genetics & Plant Breeding Division

Coconut hybrid CRISL98 (Sri Lanka Tall x San Ramon) was released to the National Coconut Replanting Programme in 1998 as a cultivar recommended to plant in all coconut growing areas of Sri Lanka. Upon releasing, over 100 farmer field demonstration sites were established in different
agro-ecological zones to get a comprehensive understanding of the performance of CRISL98 under different environmental-management conditions. Recent observation of the performance and analysis of the data from selected sites in the Dry, Wet and Intermediate Zones revealed that CRISL98 performs well in Wet and Wet Intermediate zones over the Dry Zone. Furthermore, during the prolonged droughts in the Dry Zone, CRISL98 palms tend to maintain their vegetative growth at the expense of nut setting. Therefore, the previous recommendation of CRISL98 was revised from a cultivar recommended for planting in all coconut growing areas to a cultivar recommended for planting only in the Wet and Wet Intermediate Zones in Sri Lanka.

A Chemical to destroy WCLWD affected palms

Agronomy Division

A chemical (Glufosinate ammonium) was identified and evaluated successfully on Weligama Coconut Leaf Wilt Disease (WCLWD) affected palms to control the spreading the disease. A recommendation was released and currently being practiced in the disease affected area in Southern Province to destroy the affected palms.
It is recommended to inject 30 ml/palm for quick inhibition of physiological processes and for the whole canopy removal within two weeks.

Interim recommendation to control of the Guinea grass

Agronomy Division

An interim recommendation was issued to control the problematic Guinea grass in coconut lands under the weedicide evaluation program and full recommendation will be provided within the 2020.

Weedicide evaluation study at Pallama estate
1. For mature Guinea grass stands

100 ml of Glufosinate ammonium should be mixed with 16 L of water (for one tank of knapsack sprayer) and 8 – 10 tanks should be applied for one acre.

2. For immature Guinea grass stands before flowering (Regenerated stands after slashing or harrowing)

80 ml of Glufosinate ammonium should be mixed with 16 L of water (for one tank of knapsack sprayer) and 8 – 10 tanks should be applied for one acre.

Gel type red weevil pheromone dispenser

Crop Protection Division Division

Gel type red weevil pheromone dispenser was introduced to growers from September 2019.
The rate of application is 2 traps per acre and the trap catches are more than that of glass type pheromone dispenser and the activity lasts about 2.5 months.

Control of whitefly

Crop Protection Division Division

Interim recommendation on spraying of following insecticides to control high populations of whiteflies in coconut

  • Thiomethoxam 3g in 10 litres of water
  • Carbosulfan 20ml in 10 litres of water
  • Chlorantraniliprole+Thiomethoxam 2.5g in 10 litres of water

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