Soils and Plant Nutrition Division
Research Division
Agronomy Division
Crop Protection Division
Economics & Agribusiness
Genetics & Plant Breeding Division
Plant Physiology Division
Coconut Processing Research Division
Soils and Plant Nutrition Division
Tissue Culture Division
Technology Transfer Division
Current Research
Major Achievements
Dr. H.M.I.K. Herath received a Merit Award for scientific publication from the National Research Council (presented in 2015).
Ms. M K F Nadheesha
Head (Cover up Duty)
Dr. D M P D Dissanayake
Senior Research Officer
Ms. B H R Fernando
Research Officer
Ms. A A R W Abeysinghe
Research Officer
Technical (Research)
Mr. K P A Pathirana
Experimental Officer
Mrs. H L A Padmini
Experimental Officer
Mrs. R K K H J Jayasinghe
Technical Officer
Mr. K M P C Warnasooriya
Technical Officer
Ms. S D Y Nuwanthika
Technical Officer
Non Research
Mrs. T M D Abeyrathna
Management Assistant
Mr. M D P Manathunga
Lab and Field Assistant
Mr. E A Chandradasa
Senior Lab and Field Attendant
Mr. M A G Pathiraja
Lab and Field Attendant
Mr. T A S R P Thenuwara
Lab and Field Attendant
Recent Publications
2. Herath, I., Green, S., Horne, D., Singh, R. and Clothier, B. 2014. Quantifying and reducing the water footprint of rain-fed potato production Part II: A hydrological assessment using modelling supported by measurements. Journal of Cleaner Production, DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.06.025
3. Herath, I. 2014. The Water Footprint of Coconut production: A Preliminary Assessment. Proceedings of the 5th symposium on Plantation Crop Research 15-17 October, BMICH, Colombo.
4. Herath, I., Green, S., Horne, D., Singh, R. and Clothier, B. 2014. Using water footprinting to reduce the impact of the use of agricultural water and agrichemicals on water resources. Proceedings of 20th World Congress of Soil Science, 9-13 June 2014, Jeju, South Korea.
5. Herath, I., Green, S., Horne, D., Singh, R. and Clothier, B. 2014. Variability in water footprints: A case study of New Zealand wines. Proceedings of 20th World Congress of Soil Science, 9-13 June 2014, Jeju, South Korea.
6. Herath, I., Green, S and Clothier, B. 2014. Grey water foot-printing to reduce the impacts of agriculture on water resources: A case study from New Zealand potato production. Proceedings of the Third Young Scientists Forum Symposium. ISBN 978-955-8630-06-8. PP 65-67.
7. Clothier, B., Green,S., Herath, I., Périé E,. van den Dijssel C., Deurer, M. Mason, K., Dryden, G and Butcher, M. 2014. Minimizing the Water Footprints of Fruit for Multiple Benefits. Acta Horticulturae. Vol.1038. pp 27-34. ISSN 05677572
8. Ganga, D. D. E. H., Herath, I. Scynthya, P. G., Fernandupulle, M. N. D. 2014. Effect of long-term phosphorus fertilizer application on phosphorus solubilizing bacteria in coconut growing soils. Proceedings of the 13th Agricultural Research Symposium. Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. ISBN 978-955-4709-17–1.
9. Wijebandara, D.M.D.I., Vidhanaarachchi, V. R. M., Gunathilaka, T. R. and Tennakoon, N. A. (2014). Effect of Copper and Zinc on Embryo Germination and Seedling Growth of Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.). Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Plantation Crop Research, 71 – 76.
10. Weerasinghe, W.D.M.D., Wijebandara, D.M.D.I. and Fernandopulle, M. N. D. (2014). Dissolution of Eppawela Rock Phosphate in Dry Zone Coconut Growing Soils. Proceedings of the 13th Agricultural Research Symposium, 12th – 13th August, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, pp 457 – 479.
2. Herath, H.M.I.K. 2013. “Water Foot printing: An Indication of Impacts of Agriculture on Water Resources”. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment (ISAE) Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna on 28th November 2013.
3. Herath, H.M.I.K. 2013. “Use of water foot printing to quantify and reduce the impact of nutrient leaching on water resource”. Paper presented at the Soil and Fertilizer Day organized by the Soil Science Society of Sri Lanka, University of Peradeniya on 6th December 2013.
4. Tennakoon, N.A. 2013. A series of paper articles on Inorganic and organic fertilizer for coconut. “Kapruka” supplementary of Daily News on 8th March, 12th April and 14th June 2013.
5. Tennakoon, N.A. and Ranasinghe, C.S. 2013. Coconut leaf burn yellowing temporary. “Kapruka” supplementary of Daily News on 12th April 2013.
6. Tennakoon, N.A. 2013. Incentives for coconut cultivators using organic fertilizer. “Kapruka” supplementary of Daily News on 14th June 2013.
7. Wijebandara, D. M. D. I. and Kurudukubura, C.P.A. (2013). Evaluation of Phosphorus availability in a lateritic gravelly coconut grown and long term phosphate fertilizer applied soil in Sri Lanka with an indicator plant. COCOS 20: 1. 59 – 70.
8. Wijebandara, D. M. D. I. participated an agricultural radio programme on “Coconut soil nutrients and soil conservation” produced by Television and Farm Broadcasting Service, Department of Agriculture on 17th May 2013.
9. Kulasinghe, K. P. N., Wijebandara, D. M. D. I., Nugawela, A. and Fernandopulle, M.N.D. (2013). Performance of Eppawela Rock Phosphate with organic manure as a phosphate source for adult coconut palms in Dry Zone. Proceedings of 12th Agricultural Research Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
10. Wijebandara, D. M. D. I. (2013). Phosphorus Adsorption Maximum as Measured by the Langmuir Equation and its Relationship to Soil Properties in Coconut Growing Soils of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of East Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS 11) 25-30.
2. Herath, I., Clothier, B., Green, S., Deurer, M., Horne, D., Singh, R. and van der Zijpp, S. 2012. Variability in agricultural product water footprints: A case study of New Zealand wine. Proceedings of the 2nd New Zealand Life Cycle Assessment Centre Conference 28th–29th Mar 2012. Auckland, New Zealand.
3. Herath, I., Clothier, B., Green, S., Horne, D., Singh, R., Marsh, A., Buchanan, A. and Burgess, R. 2012. Measuring the Grey Water Footprint of Potatoes. In: Advanced Nutrient Management Gains from the Past – Goals for the Future. (Eds L.D. Currie and C.L. Christensen). Occasional Report No. 25. Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
4. Wijebandara, D.M.D.I. and Zanofar, A.A. 2012. Distribution of Zn fractions with relation to soil properties in coconut lands. Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Plantation Crop Research at Taj Samudra Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka on 20th – 21st September 2012. (PP 217 – 225)
5. Wijebandara, D.M.D.I. and Tennakoon, N.A. 2012. Integrated nutrient management in Weligama Coconut Leaf Wilt Disease, Chapter 3, Coconut Research Institute, Lunuwila.
6. Wijebandara, D.M.D.I. 2012. Micronutrients for coconut. Coconut Technology Update, publication of Coconut Research Institute, Issue 1, April 2012.
7. Wijebandara, D.M.D.I. 2012. Can you apply urea based NPK fertilizer with dolomite to coconut? Coconut Technology Update, Publication of Coconut Research Institute, Issue 1, April 2012.
8. Wijebandara, D.M.D.I. 2012. Weligama Coconut Leaf Wilt Disease (WCLWD); Is it due to nutrient deficiency? Coconut Technology Update, Publication of Coconut Research Institute, Issue 2, August 2012.
2. Cooray, N.C.S., Nadheesha, M.K.F., Weerakkody, W.J.S.K., and Tennakoon, N.A. 2011. Net nitrogen mineralization in coconut soil after amelioration by adding organic manure in Boralu and Sudu series. In proceedings of 11th Agriculture Research Symposium held in Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura on 20-21 September. pp 347-351.
3. Ekanayaka, E.M.R.A., Nadheesha, M.K.F., and Weerakkody, W.J.S.K. Potential buffering capacities of some coconut (Cocos nucifera) growing soils in relation to potassium in Sri Lanka. In proceedings of 11th Agriculture Research Symposium held in Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura on 20-21 September. pp 347-351.
4. Jayasekara, D.R.L.W., Nadheesha, M.K.F., Gunerathna M.H.J.P., and Tennakoon, N.A. 2011. Irrigation and Fertilizer on nutrition and on yield of coconut palms. Proceedings of Undergraduate Research Symposium held in Rajarata University on 16th September P 57.
5. Herath, I., Deurer, M., Horne, D., Singh, R., and Clothier, B., 2011. The water footprint of hydroelectricity: A methodological comparison from a case study in New Zealand. Journal of Cleaner Production 19: 1582-1589.
6. Herath, I., Deurer, M., Horne, D., Singh, R. and Clothier, B. 2011.The water footprint of hydropower: a vital input for the water footprinting of New Zealand’s agricultural products. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Doctoral Students’ Symposium. December 5, 2011. Massey University Palmerston North, New Zealand.
7. Herath,I., Deurer, M. Clothier, B., Horne, D. and Singh, R. 2011. Water footprints of agricultural products: indicators of water sustainability. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies. October 10-13, 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
8. Nadheesha, M.K.F. and Tennakoon, N.A. 2011. Foliar Nutrient status of coconut growing areas in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 10th International conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies – Soil, a precious natural resource: agricultural ecosystems, Environmental Health and Climatic Change (Eds. Dharmakeerthi, R.S., Vitharana, U.W.A., Mapa, R.B., Jayakody, A.N., Nayakakorala, H.B. and Weerakoon, W.M.W.) Soil Science Society of Sri Lanka held in Cinnamon Lakeside Hotel, Colombo Sri Lanka on 10th – 13th October, pp 105-106.
9. Sooriyaarachchi, N.D., Nadheesha, M.K.F., Rajakaruna, R.M.P., and Tennakoon, N.A. 2011. Effectiveness of Ipil Ipil (Leucaena lucocephala) and Acacia (Acacia leprosa) on Rehabilitation of degraded coconut growing soils. Proceedings of Undergraduate Research Symposium held in Rajarata University on 16th September P 49.
10. Tennakoon, N.A. 2011. Land Use Patterns in Coconut Sector. Journal of the National Institute of Plantation Management, Athurugiriya, Sri Lanka. Vol 23 (1), pp 15 – 16.
11. Tennakoon, N.A. 2011. Soil Fertility and Water Management through Coconut Based Agro Forestry. Proceeding of a Symposium on Increasing Coconut Land Productivity Through Agro Forestry Interventions. Pushpakumara, D.K.N.G., Gunasena, H.P.M. Gunathilaka, H.A.J. and Singh, V.P. (eds), Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka. pp 45 – 46.
12. Tennakoon, N.A. 2011. Potassium Status and Requirement of Coconut Soils in Sri Lanka. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Role of Potassium in Sustaining the Yield & Its Quality held in Hotel Topaz, Kandy, Sri Lanka on 27 – 28 October 2011.
13. Wijebandara, D.M.D.I. and Kurundukumbura, C.P.A. 2011. Residual phosphorus availability of coconut growing soil after long term application of different phosphate sources. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of East & Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies. pp 269-270.
14. Wijebandara, D.M.D.I., Dasog, G.S. and Patil, P.L. 2011. Effect of submergence on transformation of Zinc fractions in paddy growing soil. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of East & Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies. pp 207-208.
15. Wijebandara, D.M.D.I., Dasog, G.S., Patil, P.L. and Manjunath Hebbar, 2011. Zinc Fractions and their Relationships with Soil Properties in Paddy growing Soils of Northern Dry and Hill Zones of Karnataka. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp 141-147.
16. Wijebandara, D.M. D. I., Dasog, G.S., Patil, P.L. and Manjunath Hebbar, 2011. Zinc Effect of Nutrient Levels on Rice (Oryza sativa L.) under System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and Traditional Methods of Cultivation. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp 67-73.
17. Zanofar, A.A., Wijebandara, D.M.D.I. and Fernandopulle, M. 2011. Effect of Soil Properties on Distribution of Different Forms of Zinc in Some Coconut Growing Soils in Low Country Intermediate Zone of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 11th Agricultural Research Symposium was held at Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila on 20 -21 September. pp 323 -327.
2. Liyanage, L.R.M.C., Purusothaman, Y., Panditharatne, D.P. and Tennakoon, N.A. (2008). Evaluation of Girdle Sprinkler Irrigation System for coconut in Intermediate and Dry zone of Sri Lanka, In: proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Plantation Crop Research – Export Competitiveness Through Quality Improvements, Nainanayake, N.P.A.D. and Everard, J.M.D.T (Eds.), Coconut Research Institute, Lunuwila, Sri Lanka held in BMICH, Colombo on 16 – 17 October, Pp. 357 – 367.
3. Nadheesha, M.K.F. and Tennakoon, N.A. (2008). Removal of micronutrients from high and moderative yielding coconut plantation in Sri Lanka, In: proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Plantation Crop Research – Export Competitiveness Through Quality Improvements, Nainanayake, N.P.A.D. and Everard, J.M.D.T (Eds.), Coconut Research Institute, Lunuwila, Sri Lanka held in BMICH, Colombo on 16 – 17 October. Pp. 164 – 169.
1. Herath, H.M.I.K., Saumyakumara, A.P.A., Tennakoon, N.A. (2007). Soil fertility status of common coconut growing soil series in Sri Lanka, Journal of the Soil Science Society of Sri Lanka, Volume 18.
2. Jayakody, J.A.D.S.S., Tennakoon, N.A. and Fernandopulle, M.N.D. (2007). Assessment of the available phosphorus in two soil series under different fertilizer used for coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) in Gampaha District, COCOS, Vol 18., Pp. 24-34.
3. Tennakoon, N.A. (2007). Microbiological methods of Biomass C, Biomas N, Microbial Activity and Net N mineralization, In: biological properties of manual of soil sampling and analysis, R.S. Dharmakeerthi, S.P. Indraratne and D. Kumaragamage (Eds.), Special Publication No. 10 Soil Science Society of Sri Lanka, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Pp. 115 – 125.
1. Tennakoon, N.A., Fernando, K.S.K.S. and Widanapathirana, S. (2005). Microbiological properties of root zone of coconut grown in different soil series in Sri Lanka, CORD, 21 (1): Pp. 1-12.