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Technology Transfer Division


Build an effective interaction among stockholders, researchers and extension personnel in order to facilitate the development, dissemination and adoption of sustainable technologies in the coconut sector.

Research Division

Agronomy Division

Crop Protection Division

Economics & Agribusiness

Genetics & Plant Breeding Division

Plant Physiology Division

Coconut Processing Research Division

Soils and Plant Nutrition Division

Tissue Culture Division

Technology Transfer Division

Main Strategies

Disseminate coconut cultivation and processing technologies and information to the extension personnel, coconut growers, small and medium entrepreneurs and the general public
Acquire information on technology needs, production problems and adoption of technologies
Evaluate the relevance, effectiveness, impact and affordability technologies disseminated


Dissemination of coconut cultivation and management technologies and information
Provision of advice and guidance on the field problems coconut growers
Provision of technical guidance and information on profitable and sustainable management of coconut plantations
Conducting trainings, Crop Clinics, Field Days, Seminars, Workshops and Farmer Field Schools to strengthen grower and researcher linkages
Production and issue of research, extension, advisory publications and electronic media materials

On Going Research

Educational programmes for the Coconut Development Officers
Research and extension dialogues, technical discussions and participatory field programmes in collaboration with CCB
Educational and training programmes for trainers of other organizations
Training on coconut based products for technical officers attached to the Vidatha Centers and medium and small scale entrepreneurs in the main coconut growing areas
Training programmes for field staff of plantation companies
One day educational programme series (seven programmes on different subject areas) in each year for coconut growers, land owners and the management staff of coconut estates
Educational programmes, seminars, workshops for groups of growers and entrepreneurs on coconut cultivation and management of plantations and coconut based products
Farmer Field Schools as a tool in technology dissemination in the small holder sector
Crop Clinics in collaboration with the regional staff of CCB
Establishment of farmer managed field demonstrations in coconut growing areas
Participate in public and agricultural exhibitions
Undertake field inspections on specific field problems of stakeholders on request
Persuasive Extension Programme, holistic approach to improve the productivity of coconut lands
Provide technical support and information services to growers, entrepreneurs and the general public who visit the Institute for their technical needs
Handle advisory correspondence and provide advisory services through dedicated telephone (031-2257688)
Educational and familiarization programmes for teachers and students of schools and higher educational institutions
Maintain the CRI museum as a coconut technology educational centre
Provide the audio visual and other facilities at the CRI auditorium
Develop new tools for effective self learning, training and educational programmes
Conduct surveys and field level evaluations on technology related issues
Conduct field evaluations to assess the impact of technologies and level of adoption
Conduct research to assess reasons for poor adoption of different technologies
Prepare, print and issue of CRI publications and advisory print materials targeting different categories of uses
Produce audio visual materials – video documentaries, CDs, Interactive Multimedia CDs, posters, hand outs, display boards
Conduct mass media programmes; TV, Radio and Newspapers
Maintain a Coconut Technology Park as one stop educational and informational centre established at the CRI Head Quarters



Dr. C S Herath

Head of the Division

Ms. H D N H Fonseka

Technology Transfer Officer

Technical (Research)

Mr. E M T Bandaranayaka

Assistant Extension Officer

Mr. M D M Perera

Technical Officer

Non Research

Mr. N A W Jayasiri

Senior Lab and Field Attendant

Mr. I H D Senarath


Mrs. W S S Fernando

Lab and Field Attendant

Mr. J A S Niroshan

Lab and Field Attendant

Mr. K A S C N Fernando

Senior General Worker (Office Attendant)

Mr. S A A Viraj

Office Attendant

Mr. D M T Sampath

Office Attendant

Recent Publications

1. HERATH, C.S. Does Intention lead to behaviour? A case study of the Czech Republic farmers. AGRIC. ECON. – CZECH. The Czech Acadamy of Agricultural Sciences, Slezska, Praha, Czech Republic, 2013 59 (3). ISSN: 0139-570X

2. Herath C.S., Wijekoon K.M.R.T. Study on attitudes and perceptions of organic and non-organic coconut growers towards organic coconut farming. IDESIA (Chile), University of Tarapacá, Chile, 2013, Vol 31 (2) ISSN: 0073-4675.

3. Herath C.S., Chandrarathna J.P.T.R. and Abewickrama S.W.R.K. Major problems encountered by the coconut growers who visit coconut technology park of Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka, The journal of the Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka (COCOS), 2013, Vol. 20 (1) ISSN: 0255-4100

1. Herath, C. S. Do Belief Differences Lead to Change in Behavior? A Study of Sri Lankan Coconut Farmers. International Journal of Coconut Research and Development (CORD). Asian and Pacific Coconut Community P.O. Box 1343, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2012, Vol. 28, no.1. ISSN: 0215-1162

1. Herath, C.S. (2010). Motivation is a potential variable to explain farmers’ behavioral change in agricultural technology adoption decisions, The journal of E+M Economics and Management, Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Economics, Liberec, Czech Republic, 3: ISSN: 1212-3609.

2. Herath, C.S. (2010). Eliciting Salient Beliefs are Critical to Predict Behavioral Change in Theory of Planned Behavior, The journal of e-psychologie, Českomoravská psychologická společnost, kladenska, Praha, Czech Republic, 4 (3): ISSN: 1802-8853.

3. Herath, C.S. (2010). The Impact of Motivation on Farmers Decision Making on Technology Adoption with reference to Sri Lanka and Czech Republic, Proceedings of the 15th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), Cairo, Egypt, ISBN: 978-0-9821489-4-5.

4. Herath, C.S. (2010). Affect of socioeconomic characters to predictors of behavior: A study based on Sri Lankan and Czech Republic farmers, International Scientific Ph.D. and Post Docs Conference, Faculty of Business and Management, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, ISBN: 978-80-214-4081-4.

1. Herath, C.S. and Porvaznik, J. (2009). Integration of behavioral theories provide hybrid vigor in explaining farmers’ technology adoption decisions, 2nd International scientific conference for PhD students and young scientist, School of Business Administration in Karvina, Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic, ISBN: 978-80-7248-553-6.

2. Herath, C.S. and Porvaznik, J. (2009). Determinants of factors affecting farmers’ behavior in technology adoption decision making with respect to developing countries, 5th International Bata Conference for PhD Students and Young Researchers, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic, ISBN: 978-80-7318-812-2.

3. Herath, C.S. and Porvaznik, J. (2009). Motivation and their use in behavior of farmers in technology adoption with reference to developing countries, 1st International PhD Students Conference – New Economic Challenges, Faculty of Economics and administration, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, ISBN: 978-80-210-4815-7

1. Herath, C.S. and Porvaznik, J. (2008). The nexus between community development programmes (Farmer Field School approach) and economic growth in developing countries: with reference to Sri Lanka, International scientific conference for PhD students and young scientist, School of Business Administration in Karvina, Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic, ISBN: 978-80-7248-504-8.

2. Herath, C.S. (2008). Impact of Farmer Field School Approach on Market Failure, “Commerce in Modern Society: Theory and Practice”, International Conference, Department of Economics and Management of Commerce of University of Economics, Varna, Bulgaria, ISBN: 978-954-21-0371-4.

3. Herath, C.S. and Idirisinghe, M.S.K. (2008). Determinants of Cultural Differences and Cultural Barriers: Special Reference with Sri Lanka, International conference devoted to the European intercultural dialogue, Department of Languages, Faculty of Humanities, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic, ISBN: 978-80-7318-768-2.

4. Herath, C.S. (2008). Participatory Development Communication (Farmer Field School) is an Effective Tool for Rural Poverty Alleviation in Sri Lanka, “MEKON 2008”, 10th International Conference, Faculty of Economics, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, ISBN: 978-80-248-1704-0.

1. Perera, B.S.P.S.S., Fernandopulle, M.N.D. and Herath, C.S. (2005). Assesment of the Level of Adoption of Fertilizer Application by Coconut Small Holders in Chilaw Area, Proceedings of 5th Agricultural Research Symposium Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation management Wayamba University of Sri lanka, Makandura, Gonawila, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, ISBN: 955-8746-03-7

2. Karunarathna, N.D.C.R., Fernandopulle, M.N.D. and Herath, C.S. (2005). Assessment of distribution and probable causes of leaf scorch disorder and tapering disorder in coconut palm of small holders in Welpalla coconut development office range, Proceedings of 5th Agricultural Research Symposium Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation management Wayamba University of Sri lanka, Makandura, Gonawila, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, ISBN: 955-8746-03-7

1. Herath, C.S., Jayawardana, J.K.J.P. and Henry, P.A. (2004). Assessment of knowledge level and factors affecting adoption of Red weevil control measures of the small holding sector in Kuliyapitiya region, International Conference, 75th anniversary Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Lunuwila, Sri Lanka, ISBN: 955-9013-03-3

2. Jayawardana, J.K.J.P., Herath, C.S. and Ranasinghe, R.A.L.C. (2004). Assessment of Present Situation of the Coconut Small holders in Kuliyapitiya Region, International Conference, 75th anniversary Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Lunuwila, Sri Lanka, ISBN: 955-9013-03-3

1. Herath, C.S. and Nissanka, S.P. (2003). An Assessment of Recreational Value of Udawattekle Royal Forest Park, Tropical Agriculture Research, Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 15; ISSN: 1016-1422

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