தாவர உடற்றொழிலியல் பிரிவு
தென்னையின் உடற்கூற்றியல் மற்றும் உயிர் இரசாயனவியல் தொடர்பான அம்சங்களில் அறிவினை மேம்படுத்தல்.

ஆராய்ச்சிப் பிரிவுகள
பயிராக்கவியல் பிரிவு
பயிர் பாதுகாப்புப் பிரிவு
பொருளியல் மற்றும் விவசாய வர்த்தகம
மரபியல் மற்றும் தாவர இனவிருத்திப் பிரிவு
தாவர உடற்றொழிலியல் பிரிவு
தெங்கு பதனீட்டு ஆராய்ச்சிப் பிரிவு
மண் மற்றும் தாவர போஷணைப் பிரிவு
இழைய வளர்ப்புப் பிரிவு
தொழினுட்ப பரிமாற்றல் பிரிவு
தற்போதைய ஆராய்ச்சி செயல்திட்டங்கள்
Determination of the effect of pollen quality on fruit setting
நீர் அழுத்த நிபந்தனைகளில் தென்னங்கன்றுகளில் ஆவியுயிர்ப்பு நிரோதிகளின் தாக்கத்தினை ஆராய்வதற்கான முதற்கட்ட ஆய்வு
வறட்சி அழுத்தத்தின் போது ஓட்சியேற்ற நிரோதிப்பு நொதிய தொழிற்பாட்டினை பயன்படுத்தி காலநிலைக்கு நெகிழ்ச்சித் தன்மை கொண்ட தென்னை இரகங்களை கண்டறிதல்.
தொழிற்துறைக்கான சேவைகள்
திருமதி. ரீ. எச். சந்ரதிலக
பிரிவின் தலைவர் (பதில் கடமை)
கலாநிதி. கே. பீ. வைத்யரத்ன
Principal Research Officer (Overseas Leave)
தொழினுட்பம் சார் (ஆராய்ச்சி)
திரு. டபிள்யூ. ஏ. எஸ். விக்ரமராச்சி
திரு. ஏ. பி. சி. பிரதீப்
பரீட்சாத்த உத்தியோகத்தர்
திருமதி. ஜீ. ஏ. எம். சமந்தி
தொழினுட்ப உத்தியோகத்தர்
ஆராய்ச்சி சாராத
திரு. ஜே. எச். யூ. ஜயமஹா
சிரேஸ்ட ஆய்வு கூட மற்றும் வெளிக்கள பணியாளர்
Mrs. T S Aberathna (6038)
முகாமைத்துவ உதவியாளர்
திரு. எம். எம். ஹெட்டியாரச்சி
ஆய்வுகூட மற்றும் வெளிக்கள உதவியாளர்
திரு. எச். எம். எஸ். நயனகுமார
ஆய்வுகூட மற்றும் வெளிக்கள உதவியாளர்
விருதுகள் மற்றும் காப்புரிமைகள்
1. Dr. K P Waidyarathne received the best presenter award in coconut sector in the seventh symposium on plantation crop research- “Towards Achieving sustainable development goals in the plantation sector” held during 4-6 November 2019 at Marino beach hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka
1. Mr. M. D. P. Kumarathunga, Research Officer of Plant Physiology Division received the Research Science Award for ComBio 2018. Australian Society of Plant Scientists.
1. 2003 மற்றும் 2005 இல் அறிவியல் சுட்டெண்ணில் வெளிவந்த சர்வதேச நடுவர் சஞ்சிகைகளில் வெளியிடப்பட்ட இரண்டு ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரைகளுக்கு கலாநிதி சி.எஸ். ரணசிங்க முன்னோடி விருதுகளைப் பெற்றார்.
1. 1998 ஆம் ஆண்டு அறிவியல் சுட்டெண்ணில் வெளிவந்த சர்வதேச நடுவர் சஞ்சிகைகளில் வெளியிடப்பட்ட ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரைக்கு டாக்டர். டபிள்யூ.எஸ். மதுரப்பெரும முன்னோடி விருதைப் பெற்றார்.
1. 1995 ஆம் ஆண்டு சிறந்த முதுகலைப் பட்டதாரி மாணவர் கட்டுரையை சமர்ப்பித்ததற்காக, UK, சசெக்ஸ் பல்கலைக்கழகத்தின் உயிரியலுக்கான பட்டதாரி மையம் வழங்கிய வருடாந்த பரிசை டாக்டர் சிஎஸ் ரணசிங்க பெற்றார்.
சமீபத்திய வெளியீடுகள்
- Kumarathunga, Y. W. C., Weerasinghe, K. W. L. K., Nainanayake, A. D. and Chandrathilake, T. H. (2022). Quantification of photosynthetic light response parameters of four coconut seedling varieties ready for field planting, Proceedings of the 8th Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium held in faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 28th December 2022.
- Time Series Forecasting of Farmgate Prices of Fresh Coconuts in Three Major Coconut Growing Areas of Sri Lanka. International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences, 2021. Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- Gunarathne, K. M. U., Waidyarathne, K. P., Jayasundara, D. D. M., (2021) Developing Regression Models to Estimate Leaf Area of Split/Partially Split Fronds of Coconut Seedlings. International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences, 2021. Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- Bandupriya, D. and Waidyarathne, K. P., (2021) Improved protocol for efficient regeneration of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) anther derived embryos. Journal of National Science Foundation, 49(3).
- Kumarathunga, D.P.., Drake, J.E., Tjoelker, M.G., Lopez, R., Pfautsch, S., Varhammar, A., & Medlyn, B.E. (2020). The temperature optima for tree seedling photosynthesis and growth depend on water inputs. Global Change Biology, 26,199-188
- Abeysekara, M.G.D., & Waidyarathne, K.P. (2020). The coconut industry: A review of price forecasting modeling in major coconut producing countries. CORD, 36, 6-22
- Fernando, W. H. H., Waidyarathne, K.P., & Jayasundara, D. D. M. (2020). Reduction of experimental error in coconut research by choosing proper data analysis techniques. International Conference on Applied and pure Sciences – 2020, Faculty of Science.
- Waidyarathne, K.P., & Perera, S.A.C.N. (2020). Extreme weather events and crop yields: A Case study with coconut. In book: Adapting to Climate Change: A Sri Lankan Perspective, The Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka.
- Weerasinghe, K.W.L.K., Geekiyanage, N.Kumarathunga, D. (2020) . Response of crops to heat stress in a warming world: Adaptation measures under Sri Lankan context. In Adapting to Climate Change: A Sri Lankan perspective. The Institute of Biology Sri Lanka. Colombo.
- Kumarathunga, D.P., Medlyn, B.E., Drake, J.E., Rogers, A. and Tjoelker, M.G. (2019). No evidence for triose phosphate limitation of light saturated leaf photosynthesis under current atmospheric Co2 Plant Cell & Environment.42:3241-3252 (https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.13639)
- Yang, J., Medlyn, B.E., Duursma,R.A., Kauwe, M.G.De, Kumarathunga , D.,Gimeno, T.E.,Cros,K.Y., Ellsworth,D.S.,Mahmud,K.,Peters,J.,Choat,B. and Eamus,D.(2019).Incorporating non- stomatal limitation improves the performance of leaf and canopy models at high vapour pressure deficit. Tree Physiology (https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpz103)
- Yang, J., Medlyn, B.E. Kauwe, M.G.De, Duursma, R.A., Jiang, M., Kumarathunga, D., Crous,K.Y., Gimeno,T.E. Wujeska – Klause, A. and Ellsworth,D.S. (2019).Low sensitivity of gross primary production to elevated CO2 in a mature Eucalypt woodland.Biogeosciences. 17: 265-27
- Waidyarathna, K.P., Dissanayake, H.S.M.A.C., Perera, S.A.C.N. and Chandrathilake, T.H. (2019) Impact of extreme weather events on coconut production in IL 1b Agro-ecological region of Sri Lanka. In: Proceedings of the seventh symposium on plantation crop research- “Towards Achieving sustainable development goals in the plantation sector”. Dr. V.H.L. Rodrigo, Dr. B.W. Wijesuriya, Dr. D.G. Edirisinghe, Dr. N.M.C. Nayanakantha (Eds). Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Dartonfield, Agalawatta,12200, Sri Lanka. pp.1-11
- Kumarathunge,D., Medlyn, B.E., Drake , J.E. and Tjoelker , M.G. (2019). Acclimation and adaptation of photosynthesis temperature New Phytologist Next Generation Scientists 2019, Dublin,Ireland.
- Medlyn, B.E., Kumarathunga, D., Drake, J.E. and Tjoelker, M.G. (2019). Acclimation and adaptation of photosynthetic temperature responses. Geophysical Research Abstract.Vol.21, EGU2019 -3285, EGU General Assembly 2019.
- Kumarathunga, D., Medlyn, B., Drake, J., Tjoelker,M.(2018) Acclimation and adaptation components of the temperature dependence of Plant Photosynthesis at the global scale ComBio2018,Sydney,Australia (poster)
- Kumarathunga, D., Medlyn, B., Drake, J., Tjoelker, M., JinyanY. (2018) Why is the temperature optimum for canopy photosynthesis lower than that for leaf photosynthesis? Ozflux-AsiaFlux Joint Conference, Darwin, Australia.
- Kumarathunga D.P., Medlyn, B.E., Drake, J.E., Tjoelker,M.G.(2018)Improved representation of photosynthetic temperature acclimation and adaptation in global vegetation models.Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union ,Washington DC,USA.
- Mahumd, K., Medlyn, B.E., Kumarathunge, D., Drake, J.E., Aspinwall, M.J., Tjoelker,M.G.(2018) Effect of climate warming on plant carbon balance processes –inference from data assimilation . Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union ,Washington DC,USA.
- Thudugala, T.K.C., Nugawela ,R.C.W.R.A. and ., Nainanayake ,A.D.(2018)A comparative Study of soil moisture depletion and root growth in nursery plants of oil palm ,rubber and tea under greenhouse condition .Proceeding of the 17th Agricultural Research Symposium ,Wayaba University of Sri Lanka.
- Ranasinghe, C.S., Kumarathunga,D. and Kiriwandeniya ,K.,(2017).Genotypic differences in cardinal temperatures for in vitro pollen germination and pollen tube growth of coconut hybrids, Experimental Agriculture ,1-13.
- Amarasinghe, K.G.A.P.K., Ranasinghe,C.S., Abeysinghe, D.C.,Perera,L., (2017)An approach to reduce the heat and water stress induce hybrid seed nut failures in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Proceeding of SLAYS Open Froum 2017, Reserch for Impact: March of the Sri Lanka Young Scientist Colombo, 1st March 2017.
- Pathmeswaran, C., Lokupitiya, E and Waidyarathne ,K.P.,(2017). Assessment of the impact of Extreme Weather Events on Coconut Productivity in Selected Location of Sri Lanka in: Proceedings of international conference on climate change held in February 2017 in
- Somdasa, I.N.N.D., Nainanayake, A.D., and Amarasinghe, K.G.A.P.K., (2017). Assessment of Root Distribution Pattern of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Palm with respect to different fertilizer application techniques, in proceedings of 16th Agriculture Research Symposium held in Wayaba University, Makadura on 09-10 November, 527-531.
- Waidyarathne, K.P., Dissanayake, H.D.M.A.C., Perera, S.A.C.N., and Chandrathilake, T.H., (2017) Temporal yield stability of coconuts to extreme whether events, in: proceedings of the international Statistics conference 2017 held in December 2017in Colombo, IASSL, Sri Lanka.
- Perera,S.A.C.N., Waidyarathna, K.P., Dissanayake ,H.D.M.A.C., Nainanayake, N.P.A.D., Ekanayake,G.K. (2016).Comparative evaluation of Sri Lanka Tall and Dwarf x Tall coconut hybrids for tolerance to Weligama coconut leaf wilt disease in Sri Lanka,CORD,32:2,1-8.
- Nainanayake, A.D., Gunathilake, J., Kumarathunga, M.D.P., Gunawardena, N.P., and Wijesekra, H.T.R. (2016). Limitation in the use of spectral analysis to detect Weligama coconut leaf wilt disease affected palms in southern Sri Lanka. COCOS, 22:13-24.
- Nainanayake, A.D., Kumarathunga, M.D.P., de Silva,P.H.P.R.(2016). A survey of land for Weligama coconut leaf wilt disease affected palms outside the declared boundary in the southern Sri Lanka.COCOS, 22:57-64.
- Amarasinghe, K.G.A.P.K., Ranasinghe,C.S., Abeysinghe, D.C.,Perera,A.A.F.L.K., (2016) Early fruit set in dwarf x tall crosses of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) under reciprocal pollination between heat and drought stressed and non – stressed International Journal of Agriculture Foresty and Plantaion,3,105-113
- Amarasinghe, K.G.A.P.K., Ranasinghe,C.S., Abeysinghe, D.C.,Perera,L., (2016) Early fruit set in dwarf x tall crosses of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) under reciprocal pollination between heat and drought stressed and non – stressed The 3rd Kuala Lumpur Internationa Agriculture Foresty and Plantaion conference (KLIAFP), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 21st-22nd May 2016.
- Amarasinghe, K.G.A.P.K., Ranasinghe,C.S., Abeysinghe, D.C.,Perera,L., (2016) Effect of Heat and Drought stress during critical stage of flower development on pollen quality of Sri Lanka Tall and San Ramon varities of cococnut (Cocos nucifera L.) Proceeding of the Wayaba University International conference (WinC), Sri Lanka, 277.
- Amarasinghe, K.G.A.P.K., Ranasinghe,C.S., Abeysinghe, D.C.,Perera,A.A.F.L.K., (2016) Effects of high temperature and low rainfall on quantity and quality of Sri Lanka Dwarf Green Female flowers that are used for controlled hybridization in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), Proceeding of the international Forestry and Environmental Symposium 2016 ,University of Sri Jayewardenepure ,Sri Lanka ,134.
- Amarasinghe, K.G.A.P.K., Ranasinghe,C.S., Abeysinghe, D.C.,Perera,L., (2016)An approach to reduce the heat and water stress induce hybrid seed nut failures in coconut (Cococ nucifera L.) Proceeding of SLAYS Open Froum 2017, Reserch for Impact: March of the Sri Lanka Young Scientist Colombo, 1st March 2017,6.
- Ekanayaka, N.R.C.D.B., Amarasinghe ,K.G.A.P.K., Gajanayake.B, Ranasinghe C.S.(2016). Awareness on climate Change Impact and knowledge in adaptation strategies among the coconut growers in Kurunagala Distric of Sri Lanka Proceeding of 15 th Agriculture Research Symposium ,Wayaba University of Sri Lanka ,28-29 June ,500-504.
- Ranasinghe,C.S., Amarasinghe, K.G.A.P.K., Abeysinghe, D.C.,Perera,A.A.F.L.K., (2016)A pollination strategy to increase the setting of Dwarf x Tall hybrid seed coconut under heat and water stress . In: Proceeding of the 3rd international symposium on coconut research and development, central Plantations Crops Research Institute, Kerala, India, 10-12 December 2016,8.
- Ranasinghe,C.S., Amarasinghe, K.G.A.P.K., Abeysinghe, D.C.,Perera,A.A.F.L.K., (2016) A Novel approach to minimize failure in fruit set in the production of Dwarf x Tall hybrid seed of coconut (Coocs nucifera L.)Under heat and water stress.In: Proceedings of the sixth – Plantation Agriculture towards National Prosperity ‘. Vidhana arachchi ,V.R.M.,Herath ,H.M.I.K.,Meegaskubura ,M.K.,Kumara A.D.N.T. and Nadeesha,M.K.F.(Eds).Colombo ,2-4 November 2016, 77-92.
- Seelarathna W.A.H.K., Ranasinghe C.S., Warnasooriya W.M.R.S.K. (2016) Carbon Sequestration of coconut mono cropping and coconut – Gliricidia intercropping system in the intermediate zone od Sri Lanka .8th Annual Research Symposium 2016, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka ,51.
- Udadeniya, U.V.P. N, Ranasinghe, C.S., Abeysinghe,D.C., (2016)Response of leaf physiology parameters of improvedcocoocnut (Cocos nucifera L.) Hybrid to high temperature and drought stress .Proceeding of 15th Agriculture Research Symposium, Wayaba University of Sri Lanka, 28-29June, 455-459.
- Waidyarathna ,K.P.and Peiris ,T.S.G.(2016) .Effect of frequency of harvesting coconut in framer’s field in different land suitability classes of coconut .Proceeding of the sixth symposium on plantation crop research,2:157-166.
1. Ranasinghe, C. S, Silva, L R S, Premasiri R D N (2015) Major determinants of fruit set and yield fluctuation in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), Journal of National Science Foundation 43 (3), 253-264.
2. Ranasinghe, C. S, Kumaratunga D, Jayaranjini S, De Costa W A J M (2015) Photosynthetic irradiance response, canopy photosynthesis and their variation with canopy strata in tall and dwarf x tall coconut cultivars (Cocos nucifera). Scientia Horticulturae 189, 175-183.
3. Ranasinghe C S and Premasiri R D N (2015) Dry matter requirements for growth and respiration of coconut. COCOS 21, 21-31.
4. Ranasinghe C S, Nainanayake N P A D and Kumarathunge D P (2015) Coconut Yield Forecast, volume 1 (Issues1 &2), January and June 2015, Coconut Research Institute.
2. Amarasinghe, K.G.A.P.K., Ranasinghe, C. S., Abeysinghe, D. C and Perera, A. A. F. L. K (2014) Effects of Heat and Drought Stress on the Development of Reproductive Organs of Different Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Cultivars under Controlled Pollination Conditions in Sri Lanka. 2ND International Conference on advances in Plant Sciences (ICAPS 2014), November 18-22, Kuching, Malaysia. P 60.
3. Amarasinghe, K.G.A.P.K., Ranasinghe, C. S., Abeysinghe, D. C and Perera, A. A. F. L. K (2014) Heat and Drought Stress Effect on pollen quality of major pollen donors in Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) used for artificial hybridization programme in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Wayamba University International Conference, Sri Lanka, 29-30 August 2014, p 245.
4. Arachchi K.A.W.N.K., Ranasinghe C S and Costa W.A.J.M. De. (2014) Possible influence of flower carbohydrates on the flower quality of coconut in response to variations in water availability prior to flower opening. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions (Ipurse) -2014, University of Peradeniya, p 16.
5. Kumarathunge, M. D. P. (2014). Extreme temperature events in three major coconut growing agroecological regions of Sri Lanka. In A. P. Keerthipala (ed). Proceedings of the fifth symposium on plantation crop research-Towards a green plantation economy. Colombo, Sri Lanka 287-298.
6. Muthugala, D. S. Kumarathunge, M. D. P. and Nalaka, G. D. A. (2014). Diurnal variation of Photosynthesis and gas exchange characteristics in selected Coconut (Cocos nucifera) varieties. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Research Symposium. Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka.
7. Nadeeshani S M A O, Ranasinghe C S, Warnasooriya W M R S K (2014) Temperature and rainfall variability on carbohydrate content of anthers and pollen germination in coconut. 6th Annual Research Symposium 2014, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, p 83.
8. Peiris N C, Ranasinghe C S, Abeysinghe, D C, Amarasinghe K.G.A.P.K (2014) Effect of heat and drought stress on quality of male and female flowers of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) cultivars used for hybrid seed production. Proceedings of 13th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, 7-8th August, 446-450.
9. Ranasinghe, C S, Premasiri R D N and Pradeep A P C (2014). Vulnerability of coconut based agroforestry systems in Sri Lanka to climate change. Abstracts of the 3rd World Congress on Agroforestry: Trees for life: accelerating the impact of agroforestry (Eds. M. A. Wachira, B. Rabar, C. Magaju). 10-14 Feb, New Delhi, India. p 287.
10. Ranasinghe C S (2014) Climate Change Impacts on Coconut Production and Potential Adaptation Measures for the Asia and Pacific Region. Proceedings of the XLVI APCC COCOTECH conference, 7-11 July, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
2. Kadugammulla B P, Ranasinghe C S, Abeysinghe, D C (2013) Response of stomatal characteristics of different cultivars of Cocos nucifera L. to environmental factors in IL1a and DL3. Proceedings of 12th Agricultural Research Symposium, 30th-31st May 2013, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila. 170-174.
3. Wickramasinghe A S M P M, Ranasinghe C S, Abeysinghe, D C (2013) Response of physiological parameters and leaf dry matter accumulation in different improved coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) cultivars to environmental conditions in DL3 and IL1a. Proceedings of 12th Agricultural Research Symposium, 30th-31st May 2013, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila. 274-278.
4. Ranasinghe C S (2013) Impact of climate change on coconut and identification of adaptation measures with special emphasis on reproductive development. Gunasena, H.P.M., Gunathilake, H.A.J., Everard, J.M.D.T, Ranasinghe, C.S. and Nainanayake, A.D. (2013) (Eds). Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations for food and Environment Security, “Sustaining Agriculture under Changing Climate”, Coconut Research Institute, Lunuwila, Sri Lanka; Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy, Sri Lanka, World Agroforestry Centre, Regional Office, New Delhi, India. 101-113.
5. Rangani H G U, Ranasinghe C S, Warnasooriya W M R S K (2013) Estimation of total dry matter requirement of developing fruits of improved coconut cultivars. Abstract in undergraduate research symposium proceedings, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, 31st July, p 36.
2. Ranasinghe, C S, Nainanayake, N P A D, Silva, L R S, Premasiri R D N (2012) Quantifying the effect of climatic factors and competition for assimilates on survival rate of young nuts and its impact on yield fluctuation in coconut In: Proceedings of the fourth Symposium on Plantation Crop Research – Technological Innovations for sustainable plantation economy (Eds. L S K Hettiarachchi, I S B Abeysinghe), 20-21 September, Colombo, 265-282.
3. Ranasinghe C S (2012). Impact of climate change on reproductive Survivability of Coconut’ International consultation workshop on ‘Sustainable development: twenty years of Rio: Biodiversity,-development – Livelihoods’ at the M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), Chennai, India, 15-17 February.
4. Ranasinghe C S (2012). Implications of Climate Change on Coconut Sector and Agroforestry Systems in Sri Lanka and livelihoods, 6th Annual Research Forum, Sri Lanka Agricultural economics Association, on 23rd November. CRI, Sri Lanka.
5. C S Ranasinghe (2012) Impacts of climate change on coconut. In: Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) CLIMATEnet Blog.
6. Nainanayake, A. D. and Ranasinghe, C. S. (2012). Physiological and Biochemical effects of palm and on production In: Weligama coconut leaf wilt disease. (Ed. Gunasena, H.P.M). Occasional Publications. Coconut Research Institute, Lunuwila, Sri Lanka. pp.
7. Nainanayake, A. D. and Wijesekara, H. T. R. (2012). Spreading pattern and GIS mapping In: Weligama coconut leaf wilt disease. (Ed. Gunasena, H.P.M). Occasional Publications, Coconut Research Institute, Lunuwila, Sri Lanka. pp.
1. Ranasinghe, C.S. (2011). Environmental Services of Coconut Based Agroforestry Systems, In: Increasing coconut land productivity through agroforestry interventions, Pushpakumar,a D.K.N.G., Gunasena, H.P.M., Gunathilake, J.G. and Singh, V.P. (Eds.), Proceedings of a symposium held at the Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka on 15th March 2011, CRI, Sri Lanka, World Agroforestry Centre, South Asia Office, New Delhi, India, National Multipurpose tree species Research Network of Sri Lanka, Pp. 87-98.
2. Ranasinghe, C.S. and Thimothias, K.S.H. (2011). Estimation of carbon sequestration potential in coconut plantations under different growth conditions, Journal of National Science Foundation (in press).
3. Ranasinghe, C.S., Illankoon, I.M.I., Silva, L.R.S., Premasiri, R.D.N., Pradeep, A.P.C. (2011). Transitory carbohydrate reserves in vegetative organs of coconut under different growth conditions and its relation with reproductive and vegetative growth of the palm, COCOS (in press).
4. பண்டார, HMHNK, ரணசிங்க, CS, குணதிலக, HAWS (2011). தென்னை நாற்றுகளின் ஸ்டோமாடல் குணாதிசயங்கள், குளோரோபில் உள்ளடக்கம் மற்றும் உலர் பொருட்களைப் பிரிக்கும் முறை மற்றும் பல்வேறு மற்றும் மண்ணின் ஈரப்பதத்துடன் அவற்றின் மாறுபாடு, 11வது விவசாய ஆராய்ச்சி கருத்தரங்கின் நடவடிக்கைகள், 2011 செப்டம்பர் 20-21, இலங்கை வயம்பா பல்கலைக்கழகம், மகாந்துரா, கோனாவி. , பக். 391-395.
5. Peiris, P.U.S., Ranasinghe, C.S., Gunathilake, H.A.W.S. (2011). Response of physiological and morphological parameters of CRIC60 and CRIC65 coconut seedlings to different light levels and its variation with soil moisture availability, Proceedings of 11th Agricultural Research Symposium, 20th -21st September 2011, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila, Pp. 396-400.
6. Ranasinghe, C.S. (2011). Early nut setting: Crucial determinant of coconut yield, Coconut Technology Update, Issue 1, CRI.
2. Ranasinghe, K.M.R., Ranasinghe, C.S. and Gunathilake, H.A.W.S. (2010). Effect of heat stress on pollen germination and fruit set of different varieties of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), Proceedings of 10th Agricultural Research Symposium, 12-13 August 2010, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila, Pp. 236-240.
3. Ranasinghe, C.S., waidyarathna, K.P., Pradeep, I.A.P.C. and Meneripitiya, M.S.K. (2010). Approach to screen coconut varieties for high temperature tolerance by in-vitro pollen germination, COCOS,19: Pp. 1-12.
4. Nainanayake, N.P.A.D., Werakkody, W.A.T.L., Wijesekara, H.T.R., Waidyarathne, K.P. and Subathma, W.G.R. (2010), Impact of Weligama Coconut Leaf Wilt Disease (WCLWD) on morphological, physiological and yield aspects of coconut palms, In: Proceedings of the Third symposium on Plantation Crop Research – Stakeholder Empowerment through Technology Advances, R.S. Darmakeerthi and A.M.W.K. Senevirathne (Eds.), September 30 and October 01,2010, Cinnaman Grand Hotel, Colombo, Sri lanka, Pp. 258-275.
5. Madurapperuma, W.S., De Costa, W.A.J.M, Sangakkara, U.R. and Jayasekara, C. (2010). Cell Membrane Stability (CMS) as a tool to identify the magnitude of stress in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) seedlings, In: Proceedings of the Third symposium on Plantation Crop Research- Stakeholder Empowerment through Technology Advances, R.S. Darmakeerthi and A.M.W.K. Senevirathne (Eds.), September 30 and October 01,2010, Cinnaman Grand Hotel, Colombo, Sri lanka, Pp. 93-99.
6. Madurapperuma, W.S., De Costa, W.A.J.M, Sangakkara, U.R. and Jayasekara, C. (2010). Effects of water stress on root hydraulic conductivity of seedlings of two coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) cultivars grown under plant house condition, In: Proceedings of the Third international symposium of Sabaragamuwa, Belihuloya,Sri lanka, 70140, Pp. 33.
2. Madurapperuma, W.S., Costa, W.A.J.M. de, Sangakkara, U.R., Jayasekara, C. (2009). Estimation of water use of mature coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) cultivars (CRIC 60 and CRIC 65) grown in the low country intermediate zone using the compensation heat pulse method (CHPM), Journal of National Science Foundation, 37 (3): Pp. 175-186.
3. Nainanyake, N.P.A.D. (2009). Screening coconut germplasm for drought tolerance – An approach for adaptation for climate change, In: Proceedings of the conference on Global Climate Change and its impacts on agriculture, forestry and water in the tropics, Costa, W.A.J.M. de, Nissanka, S.P., Mohotti, A.J., Weerakoon, W.M.W. (Eds.), 10-11 September, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
4. Rnasinghe, C.S. (2009). Impact of climate change on productivity of coconut plantations – Overview of past and present research, , In: Proceedings of the conference on Global Climate Change and its impacts on agriculture, forestry and water in the tropics, Costa, W.A.J.M. de, Nissanka, S.P., Mohotti, A.J., Weerakoon, W.M.W. (Eds.), 10-11 September, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
2. Nainanyake, N.P.A.D, Ranasinghe, C.S. and Tennakoon, A.T. (2008). Effect of drip irrigation on canopy and soil temperature, leaf gas exchange, flowering and nut setting of mature coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), Journal of National Science Foundation Sri Lanka, 36 (1): Pp. 47-54.
3. Madurapperuma, W.S. and Kumaragamage, D. (2008). Evaluation of ammonium bicarbonate diethylene triamine penta acetic acid as a multinutrient extractant for acidic lowland rice soils, Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 39: Pp. 1773-1790.
4. Ranasinghe, C.S., Madurapperuma. W.S., Nainanayake, N.P.A.D., Mendis, H.C. and Fernando, W.P.K. K. (2008). Tender coconuts for export market: evaluation of cultivars and improved protocol for extended shelf-life, In: Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Plantation Crop Research – Export competitiveness through quality improvements, N. P. A. D. Nainanayake and J. M. D. T. Everard (Eds.). Coconut Research Institute, Lunuwila, Sri Lanka, Pp. 35-44.
5. Rasnayake, R.M.T.K., Ranasinghe, C.S. and Attanayake, D.P.S.T.G. (2008). Effect of temperature on viability, germination and carbohydrate content of pollen and fruit set in three different coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) cultivars, Proceedings of 8th Agricultural Research Symposium, 13-14 August 2008, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila, Pp. 171-181.
2. Nainanayake, A.D. and Morison, J.I.L. (2007). A case study on physiology-based drought screening of coconut with selected accessions, COCOS, 18: Pp. 56-73.
3. Nainanayake, A.D. (2007). Use of Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters to assess drought tolerance of coconut varieties, COCOS, 18: Pp. 10-35.
4. Madurapperuma, W.S., Mendis, H., Ranasinghe, C.S., Premasiri, N. and Gunawardena, M. (2007). Comparative study of water movement in Leaf Scorch Decline affected and healthy coconut palms using Li as a non-radio-active tracer, COCOS, 18: Pp. 74-82.
5. Fernando, M.T.N., Zubair, L., Peiris, T.S.G., Ranasinghe, C.S. and Ratnasiri, J. (2007). Economic value of climate variability impacts on coconut production in Sri Lanka, AIACC working paper No. 45, START Secretariat, USA.
2. Ranasinghe, C.S., Peiris, T.S.G., Jayawardane, J.K.J.P., Perera, L., Fernando, M.T.N. and Wickramanada, I.R. (2006). Coconut Palm Decline Disorders – a survey on incidence and probable causes, Coconut Research Institute, Lunuwila, Sri Lanka.
3. Ranasinghe, C.S., Fernando, L. C. P., Madurapperuma, W. S., Mendis, H. C. and Siriwardane, A. (2006). Identification of some possible causes of Leaf scorch decline (LSD), Tapering (TD) and Rapid Decline (CRD) disorders of coconut palm, Terminal Report, Council for Agricultural Research Policy (CARP), Sri Lanka (12 / 537 / 408).
4. Peiris, T.S.G., Appuhamy, P.A.H.N., Nainanayake, N.P.A.D., Bandaranayake, C.K. and Fernando, M.T.N. (2006). Coconut Research, Development and Dissemination of Technologies – Growers’ Perception. Diagnostic Survey Report, Coconut Research Institute, Lunuwila, 61150, Sri Lanka.
2. Jayasundara, J.M.N.S., Ranasinghe, C.S. and Fernandopulle, M.N.D. (2005). Use of tritiated water (3H2O) as a tracer to study the water movement in Leaf Scorch Decline (LSD) affected coconut palms, Proceedings of 5th Agricultural Research Symposium, part II, 27-28 September 2005, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila, Pp. 101-104.
3. Perera, L., Ranasinghe, C.S. and Randles, J.W. (2005). Assistance to identify the causal agent of ‘Coconut Rapid Decline (CRD)’ and initiate a practical disease control strategy, Terminal Report of FAO Project (TCP/SRL/0066 (A) and TCP/SRL/3002 (A), Technical Cooperation programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
4. Nainanayake, A.D. and Morison, J.I.L. (2005). Understanding controls on genotype differences in water use effency in droughted coconut, John Boyer Symposium on Drought Tolerance, 12-14 July, Barcelona, Spain